Johan Taft Produces Winners

Johan Taft is a mentor to company leaders, executives, senior partners of firms, business owners and entrepreneurs around the world. Johan is distinguished by the extraordinary ability to rapidly identify the absolute root causes of his clients’ most severe and costly performance hindrances, organisational weaknesses and strategic deficiencies. Through his time-tested and experience rich methodology Johan permanently transforms those who work with him to produce unprecedented results and create an extraordinary quality of life. Johan works with individuals in business as well as in the highly competitive and demanding worlds of top level sports, performing arts and show business.
0 yrs+
Leadership Experience
0 +
Successful 1-2-1 Clients
0 yrs+
High Performance Mentoring

Producing winners
and winning teams

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”


“We can only produce results to the degree to which our mind will allow”

"It’s impossible said pride. It’s risky said experience. It’s pointless said reason. Give it a try whispered the heart.”